Combine posts & comments into single feed

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New Member
Is there any good reason why there isn't an extension available for Wordpress which can combine the blog post with the blog comments?

If such an extension existed it would display as:

-Blog Title-
-Blog Post
-Comments Title-
-Comment 1-
-Comment 2-
-Comment 3-
-and so forth

I realise that this functionality may have performance/cache issues but if the plugin did exist some 'bus logic' could be used to update the feed each hour if a new comment appeared on the post.

I googled for a WP plugin to do this but there doesn't seem to be anything specific out there.

These links are the most relevant to what is desired but I haven't investigated the functionality behind the scripts.

Creating Custom WordPress Feeds | Daily Cup of Tech and Combine Two Wordpress RSS feed into a single Feed and
10 Tools to Combine, Mix, Blend Multiple RSS Feeds
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