Does your blog follow comments?

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New Member
Hi one and all.

I'm trying to come up with a list of Irish blogs who do follow, who instead of keeping the rel=nofollow function within their comment form have it removed.

Nofollow was introduced to prevent spamy backlink comments but since most of us have an anti-spam policy in place there is very little need to put a chastity belt on the link love.

A handy plugin for enabling do follow is the link love plugin - Software -
Link love is a WordPress plugin which turns off nofollow for all commenters who have posted at least 10 comments.The number of comments is configurable by changing a variable in the plugin.
This goes a long way in building trust between your readers and the links to their sites from your blog.

If your blog follows then post your blog URL here if you wish to be added. You can find out a bit more on nofollow here.

You can't modify nofollow on blogger blogs.

This is in response to the I Follow Movement and a blog post by Marios Alexandrou - SEO Blogs That DoFollow -



New Member
I'll add your personal blog to the list if that's okay?
Would you like the business one added too?


New Member
Funny, I just wrote about how nofollow has it's uses.

Not that I'm against following comment links per se, just that I think the automatic move back to following comment links because it didn't stop spam mean higher maintenance a loss of a certain amount of control...

So I don't make your list!
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