GA tag checker for websites

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New Member

Does anyone know if there is a tool that you can check whether a Google Analytics tag has been applied to all the pages on the site?

Obviously you could check in your Analytics account but if you have a large site this can take quite a while.




This would be exactly why you should use some include code in your pages, and include these things in the header and footer across your site.


New Member
Not a very helpful comment to be honest.

I actually don’t build websites; I manage them on my clients’ behalf. As a result I am trying to check if developers have put them on all pages when they are launched, redeveloped etc.



There are a number of ways you could do this, download the entire site, get some software that searches for a particular string (or if you use UNIX use the grep command or something similar or program some perl).

I did google check if all pages include google analytics - Google Search

and I came up with
Check Google Analytics Code With SiteScan | SEO Hong Kong | HK Search Marketing and Optimization Blog
firefox extension : Is Google Analytics Installed? - GA? Firefox Extension | Blog on a Stick

intra Dev

New Member
Meta Tag Analyzer. This meta tag analysis tool will help you analyze your web pages and check for search engine compatibility. It will analyze meta tags.
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