google maps

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New Member
Just kicking an idea around in here to add Google maps data to a website.

It has an existing database with full address tables so if we could get it the relevant lat/long for each record on the fly we could put a little map on the page... is there an easy way of doing this? or an off-the-shelf solution


New Member
I was looking into the same thing, and found it very hard to get the address converted into lat/long details.
I came across a while ago of some blog, where some Dublin fella made a php script connected to some UK site that was doing just that, but couldn't find it again.

If you have any ideas let me know cause I am looking for a solution as well.

I remembered the script was using - Online Maps to Everywhere

Aslo have a look at this:


New Member
Yeah I've found other site slike those but I really do not want to add a new field to the database, and hence all the forms etc etc


New Member
Nope.. but it's not immediately urgent - just something we're kicking around for a client partner version of our main site


New Member
It is not launched yet so please don't spread the link around but we have v2 with Google maps.

Paul any decent implementation would require some additions to your database fields.


Staff member
figment - that's very nice :)

You may want to check the blog's mainpage in FF though, as the header is covering the navigation bar


New Member
yeah i figured that figment, so am prepared to do that... its for a supermarket chain, so once they send us the definitive list of their 300 odd stores, we're going to add a table of co-ordinates
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