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Has anyone set up ppc on their own site? I was considering adding ppc at a flat rate. It would be easy enough to set up, but I'm not sure whether it would be particularly lucrative.


New Member
My guess is that if will be lucrative with google or some other company it will also be if you do it on your own

However have you thought about just selling ads directly for a fixed monthly fee


Does 50 cents per click sound too much? I'd sell them in bundles of say 50 clicks.... Might be a bit messy, but maybe I'll put a couple up for free as a trial and see how it goes.

I thought it might be easier to get people to buy ppc text ads as that way the advertiser knows exactly what they're getting and there is no hassle with creating banners etc. I'd be aiming this at smallish Dublin businesses.


New Member
50 cent does sound like a lot to me, but then it does depend on how much people clicking the links can make for you in the end does it not?


Traffic would be pretty targeted really, I could put ppc ads up pages just relating to say physiotherapists in Dublin (although it might take a while to get a quantity of clicks from such specific categories). At the moment I get an average of about 30 (Euro) cents per click on Google, so figured 50 cents might be about right considering they the advertiser must be paying Google something too.

50 cents seemed like a nice even number too. I'd maybe go lower if someone bought a large quantity. I'm not banking on really making much from this, but it was easy to set up and what else would I be doing on a Saturday night anyway?


New Member
If you're getting enough traffic, why not?

I know the guys behind Irish Fashion Ireland, fashion news, beauty news, beauty tips, fashion tips were offering a self-managed ad solution a couple of years ago, but I've no idea how successful they were

Hi,hi...They've got a lot of traffic a while back paying for full page ads ( interstitials ) from Adbrite on some of my domains. Is funny to hear they were selling ad space and I wonder how much they were charging for...:)


after a bit of testing decided against ppc for the moment... too messy to manage and site needs more traffic for it to be viable.
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