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I see there is a new program from Tradedoubler which says :

Earn more with!
Expedia rewards affiliates with a % of the transaction value of any flight, car, hotel or holiday booking. This way you will earn money on every pound you deliver.

Expedia works with a base commission level, however if you generate more than 15 transactions per month you will be offered a special commission rate. The special commission rate will continue, providing you achieve over 15 transactions per month.

The current Commission Ladder is as following, which makes it a more attractive offering for all. We have added different levels into 2 categories, as explained below:

Standard - up to 15 sales monthly
Car 8%

Hotel 10%

Silver - more than 15 sales monthy
Car 10%

Hotel 12%
So if I sell a hotel for €200 per night , they stay 5 nights = €1,000 , and I would get 10% of this , i.e. €100 ?


Staff member
I saw that as well and signed up ...


New Member
This sounds even better tho....
"As a special launch incentive, earn a flat 12% commission for all hotel bookings and 10% commission for all car rental bookings processed from now until April 19th 2009."

Pity Expedia have such crappy rates....
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