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Staff member
I just made a new thread about it. Looks like a really good program with attractive ads.

"Does AuctionAds support international affiliates?

AuctionAds currently supports traffic from all countries in which eBay has a presence. Ad units currently only display ads in English, but all click traffic is geotargeted to the visitors country.

To clarify: at this time no ads are displayed from other countries' eBay sites. When a non-US visitor clicks an ad, they are taken to a search page of items from the same keywords. As ad impression volume builds, we will consider adding local ad display.


New Member
Interesting but not much of concern for me as most of my sites are U.S. targeted.

what's your take on sending people to the Search page rather than the item? I'm thinking it is actually a good thing as it gives the visitor more options in regards to prices.

An eBay user would probably search other auctions for pricing difference on the item.


New Member
Problem is for me is thinking of what sites to test them on. I don't have any that relates to e-commerce and don't want to loose visitors that have no intention of buying from e-Bay.


New Member
I ended putting them on my SEO blog. Some of the images can be of really bad quality which is a bit off putting.


New Member
No you get prompted for the keywords. I am just thinking, after reading comments on Cormacs blog, 2% is a very low payout considering eBay can payout 40% for a direct affiliate.

Probably would be better to come up a script that does the same job and use your own link. I might know someone who could probably create a script for this and make it the same...interesting.


Staff member
I haven't really looked at eBay's affiliate setup, so I can't make a sane comment, but I've seen people doing some very interesting things with some of the other ones, such as Amazon's

However I've never made a cent from Amazon on any of my blogs.


Staff member
I suppose the biggest problem is matching the affiliate programs to the sites

Amazon's policy change on electronics is really annoying, as I am definitely losing sales :(


Staff member
I've seen a couple of interesting implementations where they grab the search query and shove it into the code... It's a lot more contextual :)
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