Google indexing

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New Member
Any one notice how fast google is indexing but if you shuffel around your title tag your site disapears for a day or so??

Or is it just me?


New Member
I see regular changes to Google, we have some sites that drop ranking completely for 2-3 days then appear in the #2 slot for the same phrase after that. Its constantly updating and changing.


New Member
Well your site is probably on it's own indexing cycle - so you could have been reindexed that day. You can check the cache date of the page in the result in which you think you dropped and see did it happen after you changed the page title. Some peoples sites are inedexed daily, others monthly etc.


New Member
The indexing cycle depends on a number of factors including your PR and the frequency with which your content changes


New Member
Any one notice how fast google is indexing but if you shuffel around your title tag your site disapears for a day or so??

Or is it just me?

But this is only expected if you are experimenting with your title tag. The order of the words in your title tag does have a lot of relevance to search engine optimization. So it's only expected that if you alter the order, your SERPs position will alter.

Watch Page Title and search engine optimization


New Member
Yes thats true, this is nothing but Google dance, it happens usually and its absolutely common. But i would still suggest you to keep your content fresh and keep updating your site :)
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