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New Member
Aaron at is talking a lot about having a strong brand online, and it's got me thinking.

I have a language website at, say, I call the site by its name, so it's called "". However, there's a more well-established site with "".

Any searches online for "keyword" show the competitor's site first, and I don't see my site overtaking it any time soon (it will take several years by working on my own site). What would your suggestion be with regards to branding and attracting repeat visitors? Should I perhaps come up with a brand name so that people will look for that brand directly rather than "keyword"?



New Member
Is it a commercial site?

Hi Simon,

Hope I'm on the right track and understand you properly. Would you not post the domain here to let us take a look at it? It'd be easier to assist your query with more info.

Here's my take...

It would seem that it's a commercial site (your'e earning from it) - you're teaching or selling language courses or whatever...? (Is is a dot-org or did you just use that as your example? The reason I ask is because a dot-org is usually used for charity and non-profit organisations)

I think branding is always a good idea - will take a little time and brainstorming...unless you have an idea already (post it here to bounce it off the creative, innovative thinkers in this forum)

As soon as you have your branding idea/image, offer something for free on the site to attract visitors and get them to opt-in for it (free ebook/report exposing your brand image - you could offer the first two language lessons for free for example).

In the meantime, you could try to overtake your competitors...check their keywords to see which ones are ranking further keyword research and drill a little further into the might be surprised what you'll find.

Also, purchase the dot-com domain (and maybe the dot-net) if available to prevent your competitor(s) from taking it (if they haven't already!)...should only cost you about $10 per domain.

Couple more things like how old is your domain (how well established), how do you advertise (paid or unpaid) etc. PM me if you want more input.

Hope this helps...:)


New Member
Wasn't sure about making the link public, but here goes:

irish dictionary dot org

The .com is being squatted and the .ie is a competitor. My target audience is wider than just Ireland, so would tend towards having a .com for this site.

It's currently not a commercial site at all. But my intention in the future would be to side-sell products while leaving the core product free. Any attempt to charge for access to the core functionality may be difficult.

As for whether I should go for a brand, thanks for the suggestion. I've always only run sites whose names are keyword based.

As for keywords, I used and found some interesting keywords that the competitive site is ranking for. That did help to optimise my content.

I purchased the domain in 2007 I think, and had a blog on there for a while first of all. This site is there since August 2008. Main traffic sources are links from my other sites, search engine organic traffic, and just a couple of euro a day on Adwords just for the fun (as I'm not ranking so well on US searches).

The next step is probably I should think of a brand name! The site is a collaborative dictionary (such as a wiki)...


New Member
Just checking it out now...

Hi Simon,

I'm just having a look at your site now. Lookin good... Will get back to you...



New Member
Couple of questions...

1) How's the CTR?
2) Do people stay long on the site when they visit?

(It's a great idea; a very useful resource)


New Member
Ya, it's in use anyway. Not so many returning visitors, but the pages per visit is about 6 which is nice.

Problem is, searches for my main keyword will bring up the competitor first, so I need a better way of retaining visitors (how will they find my site again?)


New Member
I just wondered if people were leaving quickly... there are ads on each page. I understand that these create revenue for the site but they also act as a distraction for the visitor (don't give them the option of leaving so fast)

How about attaching a blog - you could put ads and Adsense there for the revenue plus a blog is constantly "moving" so it'll rank better in the search engines with regular, fresh content. You can then promote the main site via the blog.

Visitors will find your site again if you offer something that your competitors aren't. Something free but useful...a free report maybe on The History Of The Irish Language or The Origins Of The Celts. The report can be accessible using an opt-in form (and autoresponder). The opt-in process allows you to capture email addresses so you can follow up with them at your leisure.

A subscription form is another idea...on arrival, visitors can "subscribe to our Newsletter" - the newsletter doesn't have to be too regular (I'm thinking of your time); weekly, bi-weekly or monthly...whatever suits you but the main thing is, you'll gradually build a list of subscribers.

I just had another look at your site, it's got a good Page Rank (5)...better than the dot-com (0) and the dot-ie (3).

Also, I honestly think your site is the best of the three visually. The .com just looks like a directory, the .ie is okay but too much white space and far too many Adsense ads...

Yours has the best title and description - both are very descriptive. The .ie has a spammy title & description (too many repeated words). You can outrank that site!

I'm trying to think of other freebie ideas...something free (a teaser) that eventually leads to a paid product (yours or via your affiliate link); something relevant to the target audience...what interests your target audience...what else would they like...

Think about what they'd use/like/find useful or interesting. Think about a blog too. And a brand...lots of possibilities for this site.

One quick note: the banner on index is pretty large - can you reduce it to the same as the other pages? It currently takes up most of the space "above the fold".



New Member

I just googled a couple of words and here's what I found...

irish dictionary – searched Web; your site appeared on 1st page – 3rd + 4th organic listings
irish dictionary – searched Google-Ireland; no results
learn irish – no results for Ireland or Web
learn irish online – no results for Ireland or Web
irish language – no results for Ireland or Web

These results apply to all three sites - your competitors didn't show up at all under the above searches!


New Member
That's cool, GRMA for all your suggestions.

The first suggestion I took immediately - I've reduced the size of the advert banner, and have moved it to the footer.

A blog is an idea alright for content. Setting up yet ANOTHER one for myself is tough though :(

Good points about offering something for free. Some report, or specialised information. Also about the newsletter, good point, although I'd have to come up with enough content every now and then.

There's learning Irish software I sell as an affiliate elsewhere. Might work for this site, then again might not.

When you say the banner on the index is pretty large, are you talking about the whole dark green background? I wanted to emphasise that to use the site you should search. But I'm not a designer at heart :)


New Member
By banner I meant the header...

Hi Simon,

I meant the Header banner, sorry for misleading. But the advert banner at the bottom is better - I didn't think of that!

The Header would look more consistent if the same size as that of the other pages. The Search facility is pretty prominent, I wouldn't worry about that. Besides, a lot of visitors may visit initially for that exact purpose - to translate a word - so they'll realise what to do and easily find the Search box.

Affiliate products: On the main page, you could write a short paragraph on something like how to "learn Irish quickly at your own pace from the comfort of your home" and add your aff. link or, have that paragraph point the visitor to a page titled Resources (or something) then use that page to promote multiple related affiliate products. When I say related, I don't mean just dictionaries, you could promote Irish travel products or books (maps, explore Ireland guides, best golfing retreats) etc.

Of course there's a delicate balance here, you don't want to turn the site into an advertising portal, that's where a Blog would be very useful...


Add the afore-mentioned Resource page and write say, three reviews on three dictionaries/products. If you actually own any of these products then you're in a good position to write an honest review about how it works and how useful/beneficial it is.


If you don't want to add reviews and affiliate links to your site, write or have written a free report on say, Irish Idioms or something to do with learning Irish. In that report (free for download), you can promote the product(s) in more detail.

In fact, you could write a report on the Top Three Irish Dictionaries 2009 ...just review three products and use your affiliate links in the report. For someone interested in buying a dictionary, such a resource would be very useful to them, especially if it's free. You can write in Free Giveaway Rights to get it viral (excellent way to market and build up a passive income).

So, to do the above you'll need an autoresponder and if you're gonna go that far, you might as well add a Newsletter Subscription form. A newsletter doesn't have to be written by you real-time; that's the beauty of an can set it and forget it. Set it to send out say, one email Newsletter every week - you can pre-load three months worth of Newsletters and every person to subscribe will automatically receive their weekly Newsletter. Then over the next three months you can come up with more content for the following three or six months or whatever.

Sidenote: I'm not saying this is the best way to perform email marketing, I'm just generalising above - giving an idea of what is possible. Optimally to use email marketing, it's very important to develop a relationship with your list and gain their trust to let them know that you're a real person, there, available and paying attention. When I said "set it and forget it" I only meant the Newsletter part.

For Newsletter articles...plenty of resources out there from How Irish Died (!) to how it's being revived throughout Ireland - the effort of schools to teach it better, government bodies offering all literature (forms etc.) in Irish, Irish and the EU - it's officially recognised throughout the EU (I dunno anything about that, just giving a topic example), Obama's views on the Irish language (sure to arrtract US visitors)...

If you're stuck on what to write about, start with what's currently going on in the world - current affairs. You'll stumble onto a topic and find that there are a whole load of sub-topics that you could write about. Search Reuters for "irish language articles" for ideas or or whatever.

You did mention having the time for all this - of course it's time-consuming but start gradually. Set aside half a day each week for research and within one month you'll have enough articles to split up into a series of Newsletters. Or if you have the budget, outsource the research & writing to folks at elance.dom or or similar (probably best to find someone who can speak Irish... maybe ask here on the forum in the employment section).

Right, I'll shut up now. I'll try to keep my replies brief in future folks...sorry!!



New Member
Forgot to mention a tip for creating PDF documents: software provides Microsoft Office equivalent programs (I use their CSV 'cos I don't have Excel) and the great thing about openoffice stuff is that any document you write, you can PDF it instantly. No need to buy PDF-creator software.



New Member

all your suggestions are very must appreciated!

I'm going to have to work through them, focusing on collecting addresses in on opt-in way, keeping contact with interested people, and offering a report/review/etc of some kind.

Go raibh maith agat.
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