CDN worthwhile if only targeting Ireland?

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New Member
For an e-commerce site targeting Irish customers only, am I going to see much benefit in offloading product images to a CDN?

I gues at high volumes I'll save on having to serve the images, but beyond that am I likely to see any page speed benefit? I have this idea that it's more useful if I'm serving a worldwide audience and there's less latency if the images are stored on a closer node, but that doesn't apply here.

Or am I missing the point?


Staff member
I'm not sure how this all started, but there seems to be this rather crazy assumption that everyone needs CDNs..

Now splitting content by type out does make sense, but I'm not sure if that's really a CDN or not ..

Also unless you're dealing with large volumes of traffic and very large numbers of images there probably isn't much point
If you're worried about website speed then I'd look more at basic optimisation ie. reduce image sizes, ensuring that images have attributes set, that the code is clean etc etc


New Member
I'm not sure how this all started, but there seems to be this rather crazy assumption that everyone needs CDNs..

I'm guessing everyone's getting the idea from that same place as me - Pagespeed/webpagetest/Yslow/etc

I've covered all the other recommendations, apart from ETags and a CDN.
I'm happy enough with the site performance at the moment, just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing some magic bullet a CDN was going to give me.
If it looks like the server's struggling under volume I might look at it again - though if I'm getting that kind of volume can probably afford to upgrade the hosting anyway!
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