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Petra Keawel

New Member
New calendar marketing concept

I apologize for what may seem like a product plug. We would like to gather feedback from this forum of online marketers on our new opt-in calendar marketing service, “Calgoo In-Calendar Marketing”. It has similarities with email marketing, but the delivery is to calendars like Outlook, Google Calendar, and Apple iCal.
The platform delivers timely and relevant marketing offers to the medium where the customer makes their scheduling decisions every day - which means significantly increased conversion rate. For example, a retailer sends a notice of a weekend sale with a coupon or a travel supplier creates live calendar feeds with last minute travel deals…
Another major distinction from email marketing is that your recipients will not experience “inbox overload”. The recipient has power over their calendars, and can add or remove subscriptions at any time.

Find us on YouTube with the key word below:

Calgoo In-Calendar Marketing - Overview
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