Redirecting site traffic

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New Member
a 301 redirect within the spoiltchild root should do the trick...
Redirect 301 /basecode/[URL=""][/URL]

Thomas Holmes

New Member
You may also need to redirect individual pages to their new equivalent if you haven't set up the new site with the same file structure. The FAQ for example comes up in search results but doesn't redirect in a straight-forward way: doesn't exist.

So you need to go through everything that is in the old basecode folder and redirect it to its new equivalent. Put the specific redirects first then the more general ones after.

Just been through something similar moving my blog. Sweet looking extension btw!


New Member
301 redirect at the most granular level possible - page to page.

And then get some decent links pointing at the new domain. SHould be the fastest way to get the 301 to stick.


New Member
I love that phrase 'IP delivery', most especially so when it's placed in quotes :)

Of course you would need to have a database of IPs to block ;-)


New Member
Why are you using a subdomain for this, as opposed to just dynamically serving up different content? A/B tests are pretty common.
You could just use "IP delivery", exclude the bots from traffic sent to the beta (if the beta is different enough to worry about). If you use a subdomain, I'd also exclude the bots from access to the beta subdomain via robots.txt. What you don't want is for the bots to index the beta page. Could be dup issues depending on the content, and certainly competitive issues.

Its not a sub domain but a totally different domain entirely.
What Dup issues if all traffic is being redirected with 301?
What competitive issues?
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