Google Book Search Will Take Two Months More

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New Member
Yes, Google is facing tremendous amount of difficulty while persuading the authors about the benefits of Google Book Search as a large section of authors and publishers are vehemently opposing it. Even a case has been filed by the Authors Guild regarding the copyright issue. However, things are showing a steady sign of improvement but Google is still seeking two months more for settling the entire issue.

What would you think about the imminent impact of this book search? Please share your thought.



New Member
To be honest, I've only used it once - and it was great: I was thinking about buying a book on Irish Contractual Law and the book it had indexed turned out to be very thin on ffs, thats often the problem in the first place.

I'd really like to see it disappear - it's always getting top ranking places under wiki and youtube. Whats the point of having a search engine if the top 3 SERPS for many searches are always going to be Wiki, YouTube and Google Books (interesting that two Google sites are always coming up). Why bother with Google and not just to those sites directly. If I want a video, I'll search youtube. If I'm searching Google, chances are I'm looking for a website...
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